Benefit veganska večerja
Torek, 31. januar 2017, ob 19:00
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benefit vegansko večerjo kolektiva Rdečih zor! Na meniju tokrat veganska
in feministična verzija tradicionalne portugalsko - brazilske jedi
"feijoada" in ajdovi žganci.
Izkupiček večerje gre za izvedbo feminističnega in kvir festivala Rdeče zore, ki se bo odvijal marca 2017 in ki bo tokrat praznoval svojo polnoletnost!
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Welcome to benefit vegan dinner of the collective Red dawns! We will serve Feijoada, a Portuguese and Brasilian traditional dish (the vegan and feminist version!) and buckwheat dumplings.
The profit from the dinner will support the execution of the Feminist and queer festival Red dawns, which will take place in March 2017, and which will celebrate its coming of age!
Izkupiček večerje gre za izvedbo feminističnega in kvir festivala Rdeče zore, ki se bo odvijal marca 2017 in ki bo tokrat praznoval svojo polnoletnost!
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Welcome to benefit vegan dinner of the collective Red dawns! We will serve Feijoada, a Portuguese and Brasilian traditional dish (the vegan and feminist version!) and buckwheat dumplings.
The profit from the dinner will support the execution of the Feminist and queer festival Red dawns, which will take place in March 2017, and which will celebrate its coming of age!
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