NO G8 Japan!
Torek, 18. marec 2008, ob 20h
Vodje držav, ki monopolizirajo dve tretjini zemeljskega bogastva, se bodo julija 2008 srečali pri jezeru Toya v Hokaidu na Japonskem. Tako imenovani vrh G8 predstavlja globalnega vladarja, ki vztrajno uveljavlja neo-liberalne reforme in istočasno razširja revščino, nasilje, sovraštvo, segregacijo in uničevanje okolja po vsem svetu. Tega mu več ne moremo dopustiti.
Mreža anti-avtoritarnežev in anarhistov NO! G8 Action se je vzpostavila maja 2007, malo pred vrhom G8 v Rostocku, kjer se je učila od evropskih protestov proti G8. Sedaj pa se pripravljamo, da bi udarec iz Japonske in Južne Azije postavili na oder globalnega proti-kapitalističnega boja.
Info-tour predstavitev se v veliki meri dotakne perečih problemov Japonske in Južne Azije, kot so militarizacija, neoliberalne reforme, prosta trgovina, družba nadzora, okolje in manjšine, hkrati pa problematizira skupne točke upora ljudi po vsem svetu.
Info-tour NO! G8 ACTION predstavitev vsebuje:
(1)General problems about the G8 (circa 20 minutes):
Analyses of what the G8 is, including the reason why it increasingly uses environmental slogans. We also show a few pieces of footage from past G8 protests.
(2)Japan's status in the global governance (25 minutes):
It sheds light on the history of Japanese imperialism and its persistent ambition to control Asia by spreading neo-liberal policies and trade agreements. TodayAfs highly commodified and controlled social space shall be scrutinized as well. We show a few segments showing the situations of contemporary Japanese lives.
(3)About No! G8 Action and its coalition building (20 minutes):
This section is about the goal of No! G8 Action and its effort of coalition-building: G8 Action Network, which connects various types of radical groups and coordinates with certain NGOs for certain projects. It includes screening of contemporary Japanese street actions.
(4)About cultural and intellectual projects (5 minutes):
We talk about the events aside from the protests: political and intellectual conferences as well as cultural events such as film festival and music concerts.
(5)Action Plans (20 minutes):
This section focuses on the actions: their themes and the schedule.
(6)Facilities for foreign visitors (10 minutes):
We talk about various facilities to be used by foreign visitors and gatherings of everybody who participates in Tokyo and Hokkaido.
(7)Japanese police behavior and Immigration situations (10 minutes):
We try to explain what we expect and what might happen on these subjects.
(8) Call for action (5 minutes):
Statement from No! G8 Action to invite you to Lake Toya and international solidarity action.
(9)Q&A and public discussion (30 minutes)
Več o mobilizaciji proti G8 na Japonskem najdeš na:
Zadnje akcije proti G8:
Še enkrat odločno proti kapitalizmu in G8
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