29 maj 2018

Info-kafana (LVII): Filmski večer: Boy

Info-kafana (LVII): Filmski večer - "Boy"

Petek, 1. junij 2018 ob 20h

Nadaljujemo z lahkotnimi petkovimi večeri, kjer se pogovarjamo o resnih in manj resnih stvareh v tovariškem vzdušju. Tokrat si bomo ogledali novozelandski film "Boy" po izboru sosedov iz Ateljeja Azil. Sledi pogovor.

ABOUT THE MOVIE: A New Zealand made coming-of-age-movie that focuses on the life of young Maori children. Directed by Taika Waititi and filmed in the town he grew up, on a remote east coast town on the North Island. The movie tells a story of a childhood influenced by the absence of stable families and the outlook of children in poor areas of the country, though in a humorous manner leaving a bittersweet aftertaste.

Artists in Residence at Metelkova, Katrin Kadelke and Marco Siebert, who immigrated to New Zealand in 2010, gonna answer questions regarding this green, remote country at the end of the world.

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