Antifašizem v Ameriki (s predjedjo)
Torek, 22. maj 2018 ob 19ih & 21ih
Veganski večerji bo tokrat ob 21ih sledilo predavanje tovariša iz zahodne obale ZDA, ki bo
opisal serijo militantnih bojev antifašistk in antifašistov v zadnjem
letu v ZDA s posebnim ozirom na konflikte na univerzi v Berkleyu in
Kaliforniji na sploh. Pogovarjali se bomo o razlikah med zgodovinskimi
izvori antirasizma v ZDA ter antifašizma v Evropi, kakšne taktike so
proti rastočim desničarskim gibanjem uspešne in kaj ne kaže ponoviti. V angleščini!
American antifascism
In the last couple of years, the United States has seen an increase of organized right wing, white supremacist and neo-fascist activity. In response, anti-fascism as both a practice and political orientation has increased as well. Many anarchists and leftists in the United States embraced anti-fascism as a tool and political identity of resistance. While the rise of these mutually antagonistic phenomena is often framed as a direct result of Donald Trump’s presidency, the story is slightly more complex. Anti-fascism and militant anti-racism, as well as the white nationalism and neo-fascism that it hopes to destroy, have a particular national and cultural context. American anti-fascism is an outgrowth of anti-racist activism, third world liberation struggles of the 1960s and the rebirth of anarchism in the United States in the 1990s. American white nationalism and homegrown fascism too is rooted in the particular history of American structural racism and reactionary movements to protect America’s racialized hierarchical order. In 2016 and 2017 anarchists, anti-fascists and others in the Northern California Bay Area fought and struggled against white nationalists and neo-fascists openly organizing themselves. A series of militant confrontations and battles took place throughout Northern California, with a particular focus on the city of Berkeley. While the images of the struggles were as spectacular as they were violent, the activity in the Bay Area was happening in the foreground of a larger movement against white nationalism happening throughout the United States. As an anarchist and participant in the struggles mentioned above, I will contextualize the rise of anti-fascist activity and how the recent struggles especially in the Bay Area unfolded. I will also explain the particularities of American society and History that shape American anti-fascism and anti-racist politics.
>> Kaj je in kako deluje Veganska večerja? <<
Nismo profesionalni servis, v katerem v zameno za denar dobiš hrano, ampak v devetih letih delovanja sledimo DIY etiki. Ideja "naredi sam" v praksi pomeni, da vsi obiskovalci po svojih močeh sodelujejo pri dogodku. Pri tem je najbolj pomembna rotacija vlog, kar pomeni, da večerje ne kuhajo vedno isti ljudje, ampak, če obiskuješ večerje, je lepo, da si občasno vzameš eno popoldne in pripraviš večerjo za ostale. S tem namenom so se za najbolj praktične izkazale bolj ali manj stalne kuharske skupine.
Vabimo vas, da se prijavite s kuharsko skupino in na ta način omogočite prihodnje delovanje veganskih večerij. Javite se nam na mail a.infoshop[@]
Torek, 22. maj 2018 ob 19ih & 21ih
American antifascism
In the last couple of years, the United States has seen an increase of organized right wing, white supremacist and neo-fascist activity. In response, anti-fascism as both a practice and political orientation has increased as well. Many anarchists and leftists in the United States embraced anti-fascism as a tool and political identity of resistance. While the rise of these mutually antagonistic phenomena is often framed as a direct result of Donald Trump’s presidency, the story is slightly more complex. Anti-fascism and militant anti-racism, as well as the white nationalism and neo-fascism that it hopes to destroy, have a particular national and cultural context. American anti-fascism is an outgrowth of anti-racist activism, third world liberation struggles of the 1960s and the rebirth of anarchism in the United States in the 1990s. American white nationalism and homegrown fascism too is rooted in the particular history of American structural racism and reactionary movements to protect America’s racialized hierarchical order. In 2016 and 2017 anarchists, anti-fascists and others in the Northern California Bay Area fought and struggled against white nationalists and neo-fascists openly organizing themselves. A series of militant confrontations and battles took place throughout Northern California, with a particular focus on the city of Berkeley. While the images of the struggles were as spectacular as they were violent, the activity in the Bay Area was happening in the foreground of a larger movement against white nationalism happening throughout the United States. As an anarchist and participant in the struggles mentioned above, I will contextualize the rise of anti-fascist activity and how the recent struggles especially in the Bay Area unfolded. I will also explain the particularities of American society and History that shape American anti-fascism and anti-racist politics.
>> Kaj je in kako deluje Veganska večerja? <<
večerja v [A]Infoshopu je v prvi vrsti družabni dogodek, prostor
srečanja in dobrega vzdušja, kateremu dodamo tudi dobro pojedino. Zato
se nam zdi pomembno, da vsem, ki obiskujete dogodke in morda (še) ne
veste, kako zadeva deluje, to razložimo.
Nismo profesionalni servis, v katerem v zameno za denar dobiš hrano, ampak v devetih letih delovanja sledimo DIY etiki. Ideja "naredi sam" v praksi pomeni, da vsi obiskovalci po svojih močeh sodelujejo pri dogodku. Pri tem je najbolj pomembna rotacija vlog, kar pomeni, da večerje ne kuhajo vedno isti ljudje, ampak, če obiskuješ večerje, je lepo, da si občasno vzameš eno popoldne in pripraviš večerjo za ostale. S tem namenom so se za najbolj praktične izkazale bolj ali manj stalne kuharske skupine.
Vabimo vas, da se prijavite s kuharsko skupino in na ta način omogočite prihodnje delovanje veganskih večerij. Javite se nam na mail a.infoshop[@]
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