18 april 2017

Info-Kafana - AntiFA fest

Info-Kafana (XXI.):  Antifašistični boj v Grčiji

Petek, 21. april 2017, ob 18:00

@Infoshop petkovi pogovorni večeri združujejo prijetno druženje in kratke vsebinske nastavke za plodne diskusije, kovanje zarot in revolucijo. Lahko pa pridete samo na čaj ali pivo, pobrskate po distribuciji in se podružite. V tokratni Info-kafani gostimo tovariše iz Grčije. Info-Kafana bo potekala v angleščini, s prevodom po potrebi.

With comrades from the political collective of Libertatia Squat in Thessaloniki (Greece) we will discuss perspectives of anti-fascism in Greece and Europe today. They will present the analysis of post-economic crisis of Greece and reasons that led to the Syriza-Anel co-government as well as neonazi Golden Dawn as a third parliamentary party. We will criticaly speak of the theory and practice of the anti-fascist movement in Greece (and beyond), its methods, problems, and recent developments. All in the context of finding effective ways to resist capitalist devastation and fascist reaction.

The presentation and discsussion will be in English (with translations if neccessary).

Presentation by the political collective of Libertatia Squat in Thessaloniki:

The event is part of AntiFA fest 21 in 22 april (AKC Metelkova Mesto).


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