Diskusija: Boj proti izgradnji hidroelektrarne na reki Muri
Sobota, 22. april 2017, ob 18:00Skušali nam bodo podati vpogled v politično dogajanje, ki je vodilo v potrditev izgradnje hidroelektrarne na Muri ter hkrati v gibanje upora, ki je bilo - tudi v obliki množičnih protestov na ulicah Graza - močno in je delovalo kontinuirano vse od trenutka, ko so posekali prvo drevo.
Predstavitev bo v angleščini.
From the day after the new far-right election victory on the municipal level in Graz (6.02.2017), the work started on a new hydro electric plant just outside the city on the Mur river. Comrades from the Interventionistische Linke (IL) Graz will present a short overview of the political process that led to the dam being approved, and the resistance movement that has been strong and continuous since the first trees began to be chopped down. As part of a wider coalition-movement against the dam, the IL have been active from the first day of construction.
Presentation will be held in english.
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