10 februar 2014


Anthropology Student Sessions

Četrtek, 13.2. ob 20.00

Ta teden bomo na ASS-u pogledali prvi film iz cikla The Century of the Self (2002, Adam Curtis). Celotna serija opisuje, kako so tisti s pozicije moči izrabili Freudove teorije z namenom kontrolirati 'nevarne' množice v dobi masovne demokracije. Ogledali si bomo del z naslovom Happiness Machine (58'), ki nas seznani s Freudovim nečakom iz ZDA, Edwardom Bernuysom, ter z njegovimi idejami o nadzoru prebivalstva. 
Če nam bo koncentracija dopuščala, bomo zavrteli še drugi del, The Engineering of Consent (58').



We will watch the 1st part of the cycle The Century of the Self (2002, Adam Curtis). This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, changed the perception of the human mind and its workings profoundly. The first episode of the series, Happiness Machine (58'), introduces us to Edward Bernuys, Sigmund Freud's American nephew, and his groundbreaking ideas on population control.
If our concentration allows us, we might also play the 2nd part, The Engineering of Consent (58').

Join us!

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