Info-Kafana (XIII): Od vstaj do solidarnostne mreže v Litvi
Petek, 3. februar 2017, ob 20:00
Tokrat gostimo tovariša iz Litve, ki bo spregovoril o lanskoletnih samoorganiziranih bojih proti zvišanju cen, ki se jih je pod sloganom Življenje je predrago oprijelo ime Cvetačna revolucija. Gibanje je kmalu preraslo v proteste proti reformi trga dela ter se po nizu zasedb trenutno odraža v soldiarnostnih mrežah. Vabljene/i na zanimivo diskusijo!
Friday Info kafana still offers space to enjoy, discuss future plots and drnk bear next to a cosy fire, while planning a revolution. On Friday, we will host comrade from Lithuania.
During 2016 rising prices after recently adopted euro caused a media shit-storm in Lithuania. Having grown from on-line complaints about the skyrocketing of basic food prices, self organized protest popped up around many of the countries cities under the name 'Life is too expensive', which had never happened before. Particularly with the Cauliflower costing 3,5euros, thus attaching the name Cauliflower revolution.
Later the movement shifted towards focusing on a specific issue, the New labour code – which, just like the French one, attempts to liberalize work relations while stripping the workers of their benefits. After a few marches, the occupation strategy seemed to succeed the best.
Now "Life is too expensive" movement focuses on the Solidarity network tactic which is widely developed in Seattle. By taking on concrete cases from exploited employees and targeting their employers and forming a power of demands and not just asking.
One of the organizers of “Life is too expensive” movement will present how the protests developed and what practices made it possible to crystallize specific goals and not scatter like the Occupy movement. How the movement change and what new possibilities emerged from the transformation.
Further reading:
The wikipedia one:
About the Solidarity network in Seattle:
Friday Info kafana still offers space to enjoy, discuss future plots and drnk bear next to a cosy fire, while planning a revolution. On Friday, we will host comrade from Lithuania.
During 2016 rising prices after recently adopted euro caused a media shit-storm in Lithuania. Having grown from on-line complaints about the skyrocketing of basic food prices, self organized protest popped up around many of the countries cities under the name 'Life is too expensive', which had never happened before. Particularly with the Cauliflower costing 3,5euros, thus attaching the name Cauliflower revolution.
Later the movement shifted towards focusing on a specific issue, the New labour code – which, just like the French one, attempts to liberalize work relations while stripping the workers of their benefits. After a few marches, the occupation strategy seemed to succeed the best.
Now "Life is too expensive" movement focuses on the Solidarity network tactic which is widely developed in Seattle. By taking on concrete cases from exploited employees and targeting their employers and forming a power of demands and not just asking.
One of the organizers of “Life is too expensive” movement will present how the protests developed and what practices made it possible to crystallize specific goals and not scatter like the Occupy movement. How the movement change and what new possibilities emerged from the transformation.
Further reading:
The wikipedia one:
About the Solidarity network in Seattle: